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SonarQube ❤ Build Breaker designed to Fail pipeline builds according to Quality Gates️


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SonarQube Build Breaker designed to fail SonarQube analysis during CI pipeline build if quality grates not passed

SonarQube 💥 Build Breaker

Easy as 1-2-3

Maven plugin quick start

  1. add sonar-breaker-maven-plugin in your project pom.xml file:


    see sonar-breaker-maven-plugin pom.xml file

  2. NOTE: Do not forget setup sonar-maven-plugin as well, sonar-breaker will be use analysis metadata generated by sonar:sonar goal execution

  3. build project, run sonar analysis and run sonar-breaker analyzer:

    mvn clean install sonar:sonar sonar-breaker:analyze 

Sonar Breaker standalone quick start

  • build project and examin sonar analysis:

    mvn install sonar:sonar 
  • download latest sonar-breaker executable jar file.

    wget -O sb.jar
  • finally run sonar-breaker analysis:

    java -jar sb.jar target/sonar/report-task.txt

see examples

enjoy your bugs free code! 👍