This tool monitors a cellular connection made though the Sakis3g script. It adds several features:
- Connect the modem automatically and re-connect whenever possible.
- Optionally, break the connection when a pre-set transfer limit is reached.
- Basic IPtables setup for NAT (forwarding a single internet connection to the internal network).
- Dynamic DNS (DDNS) update client to update with standard DDNS services. This is not limited to cellphone-type connections.
- Transfer statistics in HTML which can be served by its own tiny webserver or your external webserver of choice, or read directly from disk. This is not limited to cellphone-type connections.
A detailled guide on installing and running UMTSkeeper is available in INSTALL.html.
Many thanks and most of the credit should go to Elijah el-Mintak, who developed this script until v2.07 and made it available on
With his consent, I am now hosting this script on Github, and added a patch of mine on this occasion. Having this script on Github will now (maybe) have the community to extend it further.
I will be happy to review and merge any pull request!
This tool has been working well since 2013. Yet some features could still be added, such as :
- Investigate running the thing as a real deamon, which should allow to run it without log-in on stand-alone headless systems. Install/uninstall, rc-scripts, logrotate.
- Probably make some more use of the webserver.
- Get connect/disconnect markers into the graphs.
- Get UMTSkeeper to work with NetworkManager
- Sakis3g is also an old (yet great) piece of software. Does it need a replacement?