NOTE: This no longer works, please have a look at for Apple's own 'auto-injest' tool.
A screen scraper to download financial reports from iTunes connect.
Download jar or build from source with 'lein uberjar'.
Create a properties file at ~/ with:
username= password= reports=
Run with:
java -jar itunes-connect-download-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
If everything is going ok you should see the output similar to:
$ java -jar itunes-connect-download-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar Loading properties from '/Users/dale/'. Logging in as user 'someuser@somedomain'. Fetching Sep-2010-Americas.txt.gz. Fetching Sep-2010-United Kingdom.txt.gz. Skipping Aug-2010-Japan.txt.gz. Skipping Jul-2010-Rest of World.txt.gz. Skipping Jul-2010-Canada.txt.gz. Skipping Aug-2010-Euro-Zone.txt.gz. Skipping Jul-2010-Australia.txt.gz. $
itunes-connect-download is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3. This license agreement can be found in the LICENSE file.
itunes-connect-download is copyright Dale Thatcher 2010. All rights reserved.
I hope you find this script useful. Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions by contact me via github at