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Unlock 0xE2 MSR

Steve Zheng edited this page Jun 21, 2021 · 19 revisions


According to AptioFixPkg's README, "[c]ertain firmwares fail to properly initialize 0xE2 MSR register (MSR_BROADWELL_PKG_CST_CONFIG_CONTROL) across all the cores....

CFG Lock option is available on most APTIO V firmware, although it may be hidden from the GUI. If VerifyMsrE2 reports that your 0xE2 register is consistently locked, you may try to unlock this option directly."

How to Unlock

TM1701: Cyb and FallenChromium created script to unlock. Please download DVMT_and_0xE2_fix and read README to unlock.

TM1707: Use the configuration table with RU.efi to unlock CFG LOCK.

TM1905: Use the configuration table with RU.efi to unlock CFG LOCK.

After that, you should disable MSR 0xE2 patches.

  • For Clover users, change the following code to disable MSR 0xE2 patch:
-   <true/>
+   <false/>
  • For OC users, change the following code to disable MSR 0xE2 patch:
-   <true/>
+   <false/>
