Teachery is a full-stack app designed for teachers and students to connect with each other. Front-end was developed with React and Apollo GraphQL, back-end is PostgreSQL with Apollo Server and GraphQL with full authentication.
For Teachery, I chose a NodeJS back-end with a powerful combination PostgreSQL with Sequelize ORM, and GraphQL to build a modern API. Account creation features full server authentication and password management, and AWS S3 upload/download capabilities for content creation.
I use React with Apollo Client to make a fully reactive UI that is fast and simple to navigate. Jotai is used for global state, and all theming is done with Styled Components.
I set out to create a powerful way for students to interact with their teachers, via a single web app. Teachers have the ability to assign homework, upload files and monitor their students study through the app. On the student side, they may create flashcards, or practice user created sets. Students can also download and check their schoolwork, and communicate with their teachers. Flashcards and assigned tasks are fully editable, and utilizes back-end roles for different types of users.