Madsonic: Add Rescan Server option to Home tab
Tasker Plugin: Start + optional start Shuffle Mode
Sort quick search results by closeness to query (instead of Artists -> Albums -> Songs)
Clicking on Sync notifications goes to corresponding tab
Allow comma separated SSID's in server settings
Convert several views which don't update to not be added to update list
If first album rep has no cover art, try a few more
Cancel current loading task before starting another
Cancel current image loader if UpdateView calls setObject
Fix no podcasts showing up if one of them is the error state
Fix starring some albums when browsing by tags
Fix infinite error dialog if server error with Open To Library set
Fix background sync overwriting current server's version with their own
Fix issue where switching online/offline keeps Home as selected
Fix rare cannot draw recycled crash by automatically clearing transition drawables
Fix root cause of threads sometimes dieing from interrupts
Fix a case where two songs can be playing at the same time