This repo houses Terraform code for standing up Chef, Chef Automate, and Chef Automate Workflow Runners all in an automated fashion. This code will stand up the following on AWS:
- A new VPC and 3 subnets, each in different AZs
- An EIP and EIP Nat Gateway
- S3 Bucket for file transfer purposes during bootstrap
- Security groups required for Chef, Automate and Workflow Runners
- A stand-alone Chef Server
- A stand-alone Chef Automate Server
- Chef Workflow Runners (2 by default)
This is a Work in progress!!!, there are absolutely no setup steps right now as I'm cleaning up code, I'm posting what I have right now because I know some people who could use some of the code. I'll be cleaning this up over the next few weeks and adding easy to follow documentation to make setup a snap!
- Clean everything up, make this super intuitive and easy to use
- Add Azure and Google Cloud Computing (GCP) as additional platforms to deploy to
- Keep it up to date, Automate 2.0 is just around the corner!