An RPi Big-Ben project. Turn a raspberry pi into a big-ben clock.
- Raspberry pi / anything running linux
- Speakers
- mpv audio software
- big-ben strikes sound files
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install mpv
mkdir /home/pi/big-ben
cd /home/pi/big-ben
Under soundFile, 2 files downloaded from the British-Parliment website.
Under clockScript, this script will run every 1hr and every 30 mins.
Create this cron job to run the created clock script. crontab -e
0,30 * * * * bash /home/pi/big-ben/ (if you want it to run all day)
0,30 9,10,11,12,15,16,17,18,19,20 * * * bash /home/pi/big-ben/ (certain hours of the day)
0,30 9,10,11,12,17,18,19,20 * * * bash /home/pi/big-ben/