Are you tired of looking at fancy hypertext pages with graphs and pie charts for your election results? Worry no longer, because now you can browse them the old-fashioned way, on your BBC Micro!
Just load the .ssd into your hardware or emulator of choice and hit SHIFT+BREAK to boot the disk. The program will start automatically, displaying the instructions page.
Hit f1 to switch between the main menu and the instructions screen.
f3 will allow you to perform searching, and when you're done searching or you want to try a different kind of search you can hit SHIFT+f3 to clear the current search.
Selecting a constituency and pressing RETURN will show you the full name of that constituency (if it was truncated in the menu) and the result, including which party won and which party lost (if applicable) in that constituency.
Candidate-level results are now expected to be released around 15th July, and some time after that point I do plan to add the top 4 parties in each constituency to the constituency info screen.
The next version will also include an indicator to show the program is searching, as some people had believed it had hung during long searches. Search speed is slower the further away your cursor is from your target.
To build the binary data file you'll need the source "winners" spreadsheet from here which is licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0.