Create Double-Width Integers with Ease
import Int2X
typealias U128 = UInt2X<UInt64> // Yes. That's it!
typealias I128 = Int2X<UInt64> // ditto for signed integers
Thanks to SE-0104, making your own integer types is easier than ever. This module makes use of it -- creating double-width integer from any given FixedWidthInteger.
U?Int{128,256,512,1024} are predefined as follows:
public typealias UInt128 = UInt2X<UInt64>
public typealias UInt256 = UInt2X<UInt128>
public typealias UInt512 = UInt2X<UInt256>
public typealias UInt1024 = UInt2X<UInt512>
public typealias Int128 = Int2X<UInt64>
public typealias Int256 = Int2X<UInt128>
public typealias Int512 = Int2X<UInt256>
public typealias Int1024 = Int2X<UInt512>
As you see, UInt2X
and Int2X
themselves are FixedWidthInteger so you can stack them up.
$ git clone
$ cd swift-int2x # the following assumes your $PWD is here
$ swift build
$ scripts/
$ swift run --repl
and in your repl,
Welcome to Apple Swift version 4.2 (swiftlang-1000.11.37.1 clang-1000.11.45.1). Type :help for assistance.
1> import Int2X
2> Int1024.max.description
$R0: String = "89884656743115795386465259539451236680898848947115328636715040578866337902750481566354238661203768010560056939935696678829394884407208311246423715319737062188883946712432742638151109800623047059726541476042502884419075341171231440736956555270413618581675255342293149119973622969239858152417678164812112068607"
Add the following to the dependencies
url: "", .branch("main")
and the following to the .target
name: "YourSwiftyPackage",
dependencies: ["Int2X"])
Now all you have to do is:
import Int2X
in your code. Enjoy!
Swift 5 or better, OS X or Linux to build.