This is a coffee shop app with a flask-based API and an Auth0 authorization and authentication backend. Full Stack Cafe uses role based access control to limit the actions of users. Users with the barista role can view the recipes for various drinks and users with the manager role can create, edit, or delete drinks. This app also utilizes an ionic front end. You will need python3, nodejs, and ionic installed to run the app.
Navigate to the backend folder
Set-up a virtual environment and activate it:
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
You should see (env) before your command prompt now. (You can type deactivate
to exit the virtual environment any time.)
Install the requirements:
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set up an Auth0 domain at Auth0.
- Create a single page app
- Set "Allowed Callback URLs", "Allowed Logout URLs", and "Allowed Web Origins" to
- Create an API
- Check the options "Enable RBAC" and "Add Permissions in the Access Token"
Set up the global AUTH0_DOMAIN
variable in src/auth/
to your own Auth0 domain.
Set up your environment variables:
touch .env
echo FLASK_APP=src/ >> .env
Initialize and set up the database:
cp src/database/starter.db src/database/database.db
Navigate to the frontend folder
Install the requirements:
npm install -g @ionic/cli
npm install
To start the backend, navigate to the backend folder and make sure you are in the virtual environment (you should see (env) before your command prompt). If not source /env/bin/activate
to enter it.
Usage: flask run
To start the frontend, run the following command in another terminal from the frontend folder:
Usage: ionic serve
Navigate to
to see the app in action!
The API reference documentation is available here.
The backend has a testing suite to test all of the API endpoints from both Postman and from unit tests.
To set up the test database:
cd backend
cp src/database/starter.db src/database/test.db
From Postman import the postman collection (full-stack-cafe.postman_collection.json) into Postman and use a runner to run the entire collection. Then you will need to edit the barista and manager folders in postman to have a valid barista and manager tokens from Auth0 in the Authorization tab.
Note: Postman tests are run against production and need to be done with a fresh copy of the starter database or some of the tests will fail. Specifically any drinks that have been deleted in previous tests will no longer be available causing all tests referencing those drinks to fail.
Set a barista and manager token from Auth0 in your environment variables:
echo BARISTA_TOKEN="XXX" >> .env
echo MANAGER_TOKEN="XXX" >> .env
set -a; source .env; set +a
To run all the unit tests:
Udacity's Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Program
Full Stack Cafe is licensed under the MIT license.