This is a step by step simple application to demonstrate the basics of Amazon QLDB.
This simple demo application is built using the Serverless Framework.
To run the application use the following command:
sls deploy
and this will create the CloudFormation stack and deploy all resources
Jul-11-2022 Fundamental rewrite to a Wallet application that handles a number of events:
- Create Wallet
- add Balance
- withdraw Balance
- Delete Wallet
- Get Wallet
Create Wallet is an HTTP POST using the following JSON
"email" : "{uptoyou@formatemail:STRING}",
"name" : "{uptoyou:STRING}"
add Balance is an HTTP PUT using the following JSON format
"amountToAdd": insertNumber,
withdraw Balance is an HTTP PUT using the following JSON format
"amountToWithdraw": insertNumber,
Delete Wallet is an HTTP DELETE using guid that is inserted in the event parameters.
Get Wallet is an HTTP GET using guid that is inserted in the event parameters.