A project that let users connect their Ethereum wallet, and mint an NFT to their wallet so they actually own it. They'll even be able to re-sell the NFT on OpenSea. The NFT itself can be customized.
It was developed following the steps in buildspace.so.
- Visual Studio Code
- nvm / nodejs / npm / npx
- Javascript (React & Testing)
- Solidity (Writing Smart Contracts & Tests)
- Hardhat (Development Framework)
- Ethers.js (Blockchain Interaction)
- React.js (Frontend Framework)
- Metamask
- QuickNode
- Pinata
- Replit: It is a browser-based IDE that lets us easily build web apps and deploy them all from the browser. It is super legit. Instead of having to set up a full local environment and write commands to deploy, it's all just given to us.
- Install NodeJS. Recommended: Use nvm)
- Register an account and Ethereum Test node in quicknode
- Set un .env file in root folder with this content:
- STAGING_QUICKNODE_KEY=(your quicknode url)
- PRIVATE_KEY=(your metamask's acoount private key)
- ETHERSCAN_KEY=(your Etherscan's acoount API key)
$ git clone repo_url
$ npm install
$ npx hardhat test
$REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
$ npx hardhat node
In a separate terminal execute:
$ npx hardhat run ./scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
$ npm run start
$ npx hardhat run ./scripts/run.js
$ npx hardhat verify 0xc80edAF4e45d34eA1b1a64C7a957EB848d12aB33 --network goerli
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