process scanning library for scanning processes
Injection method
Fixed method
I was curious about hooking/patching when injecting code into another process. I wrote an injector for windows, but use MacOS more so I decided to conduct my learning on MacOS.
Began with target, which had a function talk(char*) which would just print a string, when injecting the library into this process it will just call this function using the address found by dlsym
After that I wrote a C++ program that would have VTables
Researching Injection on Mac binaries
This would get injected into the target process and scan for the signature of the target VTABLE to hook
The program that was being targeted for hooking
Used hardcoded offsets to find the VTABLE and hook functions
A commandline injector that takes a PID and dylib
A GUI based injector, but I realized this only can hook into certain applications due to it not being able to be ran as sudo(maybe there is a way to do that but never looked it up)
To run build all of the binaries.
For target: sudo ./injector libtestInjection.dylib
For target V2: sudo ./injector libtargetV2Injection.dylib sudo ./injector libsigScanTargetV2.dylib
Still works on Big Sur