I am an Expert Android Mobile Application Software Developer & Engineer • Contractor • B2B • CIM • Consultant • Freelancer
• GitHub - 10K+ contributions, submissions & commits with over 1.1K+ repositories, applications and open source; 2K+ followers, 20+ organisations managed.
• LeetCode - rank under 200 out of 20M+ global rank; 5K+ contributions, submissions & commits; 2400+ problems solved out of 3156; 41+ badges - badges for completing every day's challenge since 2022 March until the present of May 2024, 2023 ANNUAL BADGE, 3 x 50 and 3 x 100 DAYS BADGE FOR 2023 and 2024, Algorithm I-III, Binary Search I-II, Data Structure I-II, Programming Skills I-II, Graph Theory I-II, Dynamic Programming I-II; 900+ solutions with over 461K+ views; 2.3K+ reputation; 700+ active days with a streak of more than 250+ days.
• HackerRank - 10 badges, 8 all star gold badges; 12 verified certifications; 10K hackos.
• Programming Languages - Kotlin (3y+), Java, C++, Python.
• UI (User Interface) - Jetpack Compose (2y+).
• Architecture - MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel), MVC (Model-View-Controller), MVI (Model-View-Intent), Clean, MVP (Model-View-Presenter), VIPER (View-Interactor-Presenter-Entity-Router), Factory Pattern, Builder Pattern, SOLID, RESTful APIs.
• Database - Room, SQLite, Realm, Firebase.
• Concurrency & Asynchronous - Coroutines, Flows.
• Network & Serilization - GraphQL, Retrofit.
• Dependency Injection - Koin, Dagger, Hilt.
• CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) - GitHub Actions, Jenkins, Bitrise.
Mobile industry interests : Banking, Fintec, Blockchain, Trading, Investments, E-Commerce, Management, Automotive, Transport.
Mail : cucerdariancatalin@gmail.com
Keywords : #android #kotlin #java #mobile #androiddev #freelance #contractor #consultancy #engineering #development #banking #fintec #leadership #innovation #technology #entrepreneurship #jetpackcompose #compose #sales #strategy #business #junior #senior #architect