I decided to study the book Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs on January 2022 to improve my skills as a developer.
The purpose of this repository is to handle notes and exercises from the book.
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) is a computer science textbook by Massachusetts Institute of Technology professors Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman. It is known as the Wizard Book in hacker culture. It teaches fundamental principles of computer programming, including recursion, abstraction, modularity, and programming language design and implementation.
I decided to use Racket using SICP Lang as the language.
Before you start, run
raco pkg install --auto sicp && raco setup
To make the development process more comfortable, since I use VSC as the main editor, I decided to use Dev Containers. Inside the .devcontainer
folder you can find Dockerfile
and devcontainer.json
to work within the Dev Container.
Follow the instruction here https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers to run it on your VSC.