That's a sandbox with bunch of different types of tests. The following table explains what tests are included along with the used tools and pre-requisities to run tests.
Tests type | Tools | Comments |
Unit tests | NUnit Moq FluentAssertions AutoMoq (fork) Bogus AutoFixture |
Integration tests | Flurl ExcelDataReader |
- Excel read tests - REST API tests |
Approval tests | Verify | Optional: - Install diff tray tool (Windows): dotnet tool install -g DiffEngineTray - Run: diffenginetray |
Load tests | NBomber | Reports are under \bin\[Debug|Release]\net6.0\ |
Acceptance tests | Playwright | Installation: dotnet tool install -g Microsoft.Playwright.CLI More: - Run tests: dotnet test - Run tests in parallel: dotnet test -- NUnit.NumberOfTestWorkers=5 - Generate test: playwright codegen - Show trace: playwright show-trace PATHTOZIPTRACEFILE - Reports are under \bin\[Debug|Release]\net6.0\test_reports |
Specification tests #1 | SpecFlow | Installation: - Visual Studio - Rider |
Specification tests #2 | LoFu |
- The repository has been forked from
- ExcelDataReader is rather an obsolete library