Fork of wonder/wolips with changes to develop and debug in Eclipse 4.4 PDE
Use an extra Eclipse installation to develop and debug WOLips, e.g “Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers 4.4.1”
Be sure to use Java 1.7 or higher
If not already contained in the Eclipse package: m2e : Plugin for Maven - Click the checkbox to the left of "Maven Integration for Eclipse"
Google Mechanic -
Usefull: JRebel -
Usefull: Install JProfile in the new eclipse installation
clone to your desktop or fork it in your own repository an clone that
If you don't have JRebel installed: Open ../wolips/build.xml and comment all occurrences of “jrebel”
If you don't have JProfile installed: Open ../wolips/build.xml and comment all occurrences of “jprofile”
Open terminal in WOLips root folder and run ant -Dbuild.version=4.4.0
Open eclipse and create a new workspace, e.g. WOLips
Create WO_HOME classpath variable under eclipse → Preference → Java → Build Path → Classpath Variabels: eg.: WO_HOME /Library/WebObjects/lib
Import woenviroment project
- Import → General → Existing Projects into Workspace
- Select ./woenviroment
Import wolips projects
- Import → General → Existing Projects into Workspace
- Select ./wolips
- Deselect following entries: EntityModeler eomodeldoc veogen In the case you have not installed JRebel deselect as well ...jrebel and ...jrebel.feature In the case you have not installed JProfile deselect as well ...jprofile.launching and ...jprofil.feature
Depending on the Google Mechanic version you had to close org.objetstyle.wolips.mechanic
Open Debug Configurations Dialog
Select Eclipse Application and press new
Change Execution environment to Java 1.7 Press Debug
In the new instance select your preferred project(s) and start testing and enhancing WOLips