A somewhat lightweight bar written in Rust. Gtk3 is used for layouting and cairo context creation.
Currently only compatible with i3. Connects to MPD to display the currently playing song.
Config goes in ~/.config/obsidian/config.toml
Everything is optional and has sensible defaults. (see src/default_config.toml
# The components to display on the right side of the bar
status_items = [ 'memory', 'load', 'battery', 'clock' ]
# Connection details for MPD
host = ""
port = 6600
# Run shell commands when right-clicking the corresponding third of the bar
left = "influence"
middle = "vinyl"
right = "calendar"
# Override some colors (#rrggbbaa, optional alpha)
red = "#e84f4f"
green = "#b8d68c"
yellow = "#e1aa5d"
blue = "#7dc1cf"