A presentation accompanying Rust Belt Rust 2016 workshop Fly me to the moon
This presentation is created with Reveal.js, with the help of Yeoman, grunt and bower.
The tools are installed with npm and they depend on node. So in order to get started from scratch first install node. Next install Yeoman and bower with the following command.
npm install --global yo bower grunt-cli
We are using generator-reveal, a Yeoman generator, that needs to be installed as well. This can be done by running
npm install --global generator-reveal
Make sure you have installed all the necessary tools. With the tools installed one can run the following commands. These download the dependencies, both for developing the presentation as presenting the presentation.
npm install && bower install
You can create new slides with
yo reveal:slide [Slide Title]
To see the slides you can start a server with
grunt serve
and visit http://localhost:9000. In order to deploy it to Github pages run
grunt deploy
see the documentation for more tips and tricks.