🚨 This is a fork of the original project located at https://github.com/Njerschow/openai-api. I contributed to this project. However, it seems that the original maintainer is unresponsive. So I decided to re-release this package with an apropriate scope. Thanks https://github.com/Njerschow for your work so far! 🚨
This package is a tiny node wrapper for the openAI API, if you find any issue please feel free to message me or open a PR :).
If you have any ideas on how to improve the library feel free to let me know as well!
You can also visit the Issue tracker for more information or open a new issue.
This project is not affiliated with OpenAI and was written purely out of interest.
npm i openai-api
const OpenAI = require('openai-api');
// Load your key from an environment variable or secret management service
// (do not include your key directly in your code)
const OPENAI_API_KEY = process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY;
const openai = new OpenAI(OPENAI_API_KEY);
(async () => {
const gptResponse = await openai.complete({
engine: 'davinci',
prompt: 'this is a test',
maxTokens: 5,
temperature: 0.9,
topP: 1,
presencePenalty: 0,
frequencyPenalty: 0,
bestOf: 1,
n: 1,
stream: false,
stop: ['\n', "testing"]
id: 'some-long-id',
object: 'text_completion',
created: 1616791508,
model: 'davinci:2020-05-03',
choices: [
text: " predicted text...",
index: 0,
logprobs: null,
finish_reason: 'length'
(async () => {
const gptResponse = await openai.search({
engine: 'davinci',
documents: ["White House", "hospital", "school"],
query: "the president"
(async () => {
const gptResponse = await openai.answers({
"documents": ["Puppy A is happy.", "Puppy B is sad."],
"question": "which puppy is happy?",
"search_model": "ada",
"model": "curie",
"examples_context": "In 2017, U.S. life expectancy was 78.6 years.",
"examples": [["What is human life expectancy in the United States?", "78 years."]],
"max_tokens": 5,
"stop": ["\n", "<|endoftext|>"],
(async () => {
const gptResponse = await openai.classification({
"examples": [
["A happy moment", "Positive"],
["I am sad.", "Negative"],
["I am feeling awesome", "Positive"]
"labels": ["Positive", "Negative", "Neutral"],
"query": "It is a raining day :(",
"search_model": "ada",
"model": "curie"
(async () => {
const gptResponse = await openai.engines();
Documentation: https://beta.openai.com/docs/api-reference/embeddings
(async () => {
const gptResponse = await openai.embeddings({
"engine": "test-similarity-babbage-001",
"input": [
"A happy moment",
"I am sad.",
"I am feeling awesome"
console.log(gptResponse.data); // see index.d.ts interface Embedding
The token limit is 2048 for completions using the OpenAI API. This method allows you to get the number of tokens in your prompt. This is done offline (no API call is made).
openai.encode('This is an encoding test. Number of tokens is not necessarily the same as word count.').then((result) => {
console.log("Number of tokens for string:" + result.length);
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