I'm deeply passionate about all things related to databases and storage technology.
- I'm immersed in the world of Golang and C++.
- Currently exploring Linux I/O and distributed systems.
Feel free to get in touch with me via 📧 Email: dashjwz#gmail.com (replace # with @).
And here's my Blog (in Chinese): https://dashjay.github.io
- I'm currently working on a highly consistent database called ByteKV at Bytedance.
- Prior to joining Bytedance, I was an AI-Infra Software Engineer at Megvii. There, I developed a cold volume storage solution that supports various training processes in Megvii Research.
I hold a Bachelor's degree in Information Security from USTB. I also participated in the cnsoftbei competition and won the National level gold medal, along with a prize of $1500.