DEPRECATED: We no longer use Gitian to produce deterministic binaries; we use Guix instead. You can find corresponding signatures in the guix.sigs repository.
This repository is for deterministic build results for Dash releases.
See the release process in the Dash repository for how to deterministically build binaries and then pgp-sign them.
Instructions for setting up a virtual machine in which you can gitian build as well as public keys of developers and active contributors can also be found there.
You can verify PGP signatures produced by a specific author (e.g. with a nickname some_food
for a specific version (e.g. via a simple bash script like this:
export VERSION= && export PR_AUTHOR=some_food \
&& gpg --status-fd 1 --verify-files $VERSION-{osx-*,win-*,linux}/$PR_AUTHOR/*.sig 2>/dev/null | grep -e GOODSIG \
&& gpg --status-fd 1 --verify-files $VERSION-{osx-*,win-*,linux}/$PR_AUTHOR/*.sig 2>/dev/null | grep -e BADSIG -B4 | grep -e BADSIG -e FILE_START
This should produce a few lines like
[GNUPG:] GOODSIG 9999999999999999 some_food <>
or something like
[GNUPG:] BADSIG 9999999999999999 some_food <>
if there is a bad signature.