A light vim colorscheme with green comments and familiar keyword colors.
Terminal on the left with corresponding ANSI colors set; GUI vim on the right.
- light color scheme
- green comments
- familiar keyword colors
- similar to light Xcode and Visual Studio 2010
- uses italic, bold and underlined in the terminal
- terminal support
- uses the (16) ANSI colors as defined by the terminal
- tries to provide a good experience on a variety of selected colors
- GUI support
- uses the colors noted below if used in a GUI vim
Use a font with real italic letters like
- Mononoki
- Monofoki (modified Mononoki)
- Consolas
- Fantasque Mono
- Inconsolata LGC
Use for the background white #ffffff
and for the foreground black #000000
ANSI Code | Color | used by the colorscheme |
0 | Black: #252525 |
no |
1 | Red: #e60000 |
yes |
2 | Green: #00b800 |
yes |
3 | Yellow: #e66e00 |
yes |
4 | Blue: #0a5594 |
yes |
5 | Magenta: #b30070 |
yes |
6 | Cyan: #00986a |
yes |
7 | White: #cccccc |
yes |
8 | Bright Black: #7f7f7f |
no |
9 | Bright Red: #ff3236 |
no |
10 | Bright Green: #34ee34 |
no |
11 | Bright Yellow: #ffa552 |
yes |
12 | Bright Blue: #428ecf |
yes |
13 | Bright Magenta: #ec4fb1 |
no |
14 | Bright Cyan: #42d0a5 |
yes |
15 | Bright White: #ededed |
yes |
- Italic in iTerm.app and tmux: Without the "Configure vim" chapter;
set termguicolors
has nothing to do with the italics.