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WordPress theme for CD2H website; tickets for the website should be in website repo

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Development Requirements

  • Yarn Package Manager

Development Setup

  1. Download the required dependencies with yarn: yarn install
  2. Edit theme files as you normally would using your editor of choice.
  3. Edits/additions to javascript and CSS should be defined in:
  • CSS: inc/sass/theme/
  • Javascript: inc/js/
  1. If adding any new JS/CSS files, make sure to define them in gulpfile.js and inc/sass/site.scss as needed.
  2. Run gulp build to compile and minify all static assets.

Installation Instructions

  1. Ensure WP Bakery Page builder is installed. (a copy is included with this theme).
  2. Ensure Contact Form 7 is installed and configured to send mail.
  3. Install the CD2H theme as normally would.
  4. Import content from cd2h.wordpress.2018-12-17.xml with the WordPress Import tool.
  5. Configure any additional settings in Theme Settings within the WordPress dashboard.

Theme Structure

  • This theme uses several custom post types. Each post type is defined in it's own file located in inc/post_type/

  • Custom shortcodes/visual composer components are mapped in inc/components/

  • This theme uses a custom widget for displaying recent posts in the sidebar for single posts. This can be found in inc/widgets/recent_posts.php

Other Notes

  • This theme requires WP Bakery Page builder. The plugin is included in the theme, located at plugins/ The theme will not run with out the plugin installed. The version included is compatible with WordPress 5.0.

  • The theme also utilizes the plugin Contact Form 7. While it is not required to install the theme, several shortcodes will not run with out it, including the popup modal forms.

  • After the theme is setup, there are additional settings that can be defined in the the Theme Settings area of the WordPress dashboard. This includes setting the url for the newsletter signup, the image that appears on error pages, copy for project categories with no projects, and extra header scripts area for adding additional script for tracking or analytics.

  • The latest Data for the CD2H website is located in the inc/export/cd2h.wordpress.2018-12-17.xml file. This is a WordPress eXtended RSS and can be imported using the default WordPress Import tool.

  • Running Yarn install will generate a node_modules folder. For security reasons it's highly advised this is not made publicly accessible.

  • This theme is hosted on a private Github repository. Read access can be granted for cloning by request.


WordPress theme for CD2H website; tickets for the website should be in website repo







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