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2020-07-21 End of Sprint

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@sfisher sfisher released this 22 Jul 00:21
  • Enhanced logic for detecting status of the notifier service.
  • Corrected error with the messaging when users requests a download of a large file via the API.
  • (in other branch, not yet released work on Rails upgrade)
  • Changing configuration for Merritt to include possible protocol and port (and code changes) so can be used without https and from various ports for Docker.
  • Additional handling of timeouts from Merritt
    • Handle 408 status code (ignore for status of assembly, different actions for initiating a download)
    • Warn user of download currently unavailable with message
  • Replaced Cirneco gem methods for registering DataCite metadata for DOI
  • COUNTER CoP for Research Dataset changes for submission system for reports
    • Report IDs option
    • Get all identifiers from DataCite to avoid having to maintain state and separate from other independent scripts
    • Smarter option for deciding which months haven't been updated and submit them
    • Tell which months need to be uploaded and force upload of those months
  • New Tenant added -- Texas Tech
  • Fix for issue that arose when people would add a file remove the file and add the same file again within the same version and it would send incorrect submission information to Merritt.