DataKind NYC DataDive Amnesty International project
You'll need git to clone this repository. If you don't have git install, check out this guide. You'll also need mongodb and pymongo to build the csvs and database locally.
This repo is the home for all project-related code. Folders for munging, analysis, and visualization code have also been created. Putting code in its respective folder will help everyone stay organized and productive. A requrements.txt file has also been included. If your scripts require packages please add to this file. (If you're not using python, obviously add any other requirements files as well!)
Information about the project can be found on the project hackpad. There you'll find details about the project Data Ambassadors, volunteers, tasks, and goals.
Current versions:
- Clean data, updated 3:30pm
- Clean data with ISO country codes, updated 3:30pm
To build the data locally (on a *nix system):
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd data_munging
Lookup table:
event_types = {
'event_1' : "Threat",
'event_2' : "Action",
'event_3' : "Country",
'event_4' : "Person/Group",
'event_5' : "Issue",
'event_6' : "Human Rights Protest Actions"
# Classification Types, Only apply to events 1 and 2
class_types = {
'class_1' : "Death",
'class_2' : "Incarceration with Impending Death",
'class_3' : "Violence",
'class_4' : "Incarceration",
'class_5' : "Ill-treatment",
'class_6' : "Forced Movement",
'class_7' : "Threat of Death",
'class_8' : "Threat of Violence ",
'class_9' : "Threat of Incarceration",
'class_10' : "Risk",
'class_11' : "legal issues",
'class_12' : "Health Concern" ,
'class_13' : "Abduction",
'class_14' : "Corporate Abuse",
'class_15' : "Discrimination",
'class_16' : "Torture",
'class_17' : "Threat of Torture"