Create and publish Dashboard from Jupyter.
A WYSIWYG dashboard editor for JupyterLab.
Jupyter Dashboard allow Users to create and publish an interactive dashboard from Jupyter with drag-and-drop capabilities.
This is usable by technical but also business Users that can just reuse a Notebook prepared by a technical User.
- Associate one .dash with many .ipynb
- Bokeh Support
- Configurable Notebook Toolbar
- Configurable S3 Bucket
- Custom Layout
- Home page
- IPyWidgets with lite Kernels
- Input and Outputs Cells Support
- More granular Plugins
- Notebook Renaming
- Panel with lite Kernels
- Permissions
- RenderApp based on grid-layout
- RenderApp with IPyWidgets support
- Tracking system (like Ggoogle Analytics) on the publication
- Versioning
yarn build
# open http://localhost:3063
# open http://localhost:8686/api/jupyter/lab?token=60c1661cc408f978c309d04157af55c9588ff9557c9380e4fb50785750703da6
yarn start
pip install -e .[test]
jupyter labextension develop . --overwrite
jupyter labextension list
jupyter server extension list
# open http://localhost:8686/api/jupyter/lab?token=60c1661cc408f978c309d04157af55c9588ff9557c9380e4fb50785750703da6
yarn jupyterlab