Playing around with scientific calculation in different programming languages.
These tests are not really benchmarks, but can give a rough feeling about what orders we are talking.
Fortran: 150ms Java : 460ms Python : 12500ms
One of the surprising parts was, how unreadable the Java-Code was in comparison to Python (I ported from python to Java). Python on the other hand had the problem that I really had to step through the code with a debugger to figure out which datatypes the functions used.
More material on Java in HPC:
High-performance computing in Java: the data processing of Gaia X. Luri & J. Torra ICCUB/IEEC Paper:
"Current State of Java for HPC" Brian Amedro 1 Vladimir Bodnartchouk 2 Denis Caromel 1 Christian Delbe 1 Fabrice Huet 1 Guillermo Taboada 3, *
Do it in scala