Dative is a tool for documenting languages. It is a single-page application (SPA) that is designed for interacting with an Online Linguistic Database (OLD) HTTP/JSON web service.
This is the new Dative. It is Dative written in re-frame and ClojureScript.
Dative was created using the re-frame template. See the source of that project for details on the directory structure, dependencies and general setup of this one.
First, ensure you have Clojure, ClojureScript and Node installed on your system.
Then install the dependencies and serve the application:
$ npm install $ npx shadow-cljs watch app
Once you see [:app] Build completed.
in the terminal output, you should be
able to visit http://localhost:8280 and see Dative running. As you modify and
save the code, the application will refresh automatically.
You can connect to the running REPL on port 8777
. For example, with
$ lein repl :connect localhost:8777 shadow.user=> (shadow.cljs.devtools.api/nrepl-select :app) cljs.user=> (require '[dativerf.utils :as u]) cljs.user=> (u/->kebab-case-recursive {:a_b 2}) {:a-b 2}
Run the tests:
$ npx shadow-cljs compile test && node out/node-tests.js
Lint the project:
$ clj-kondo --lint src
To build the app for production deployment:
$ npm install $ npm run release
The above may take over 15 seconds before any output is printed, and over 30 seconds to complete.
Once complete, the release
command will have created the
directory, which contains the compiled
and manifest.edn
To verify locally that a production build is working as expected, run a quick Python HTTP server in that directory:
$ python -m http.server Serving HTTP on port 8000
Then visit to visit the production build of the app.