This is a code repository to the paper (cite as):
Klindt, D., Ecker, A., Euler, T. & Bethge, M. (2017). Neural system identification for large populations separating “what” and “where”. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.
- Tensorflow (with GPU support, see
To reproduce the figures from the paper (see above) open the corresponding notebooks:
and execute the cells with further instructions provided in the comments.
as well as
where 'Batty' is the CNN model with fixed location mask and 'McInt' the CNN model with fully connected readout.
Folder v1data
The results of the grid search are stored in a database using the data management toolkit DataJoint. If you intend to actually run the code yourself there will be additional work needed setting up a MySQL server and installing DataJoint. We're happy to help with that.
If your goal is to just use the code to fit a model to your own data, consult
for a working example.
If you want to check the code we used:
defines the neural networks and does
the heavy lifting;
contains the database classes and exact parameter settings
that we used (Fit._make_tuples()
is a good starting point).