- EasiestPrintf (pwn 150pts)
- char (pwn 132pts)
- diethard (pwn 183pts)
- pages (pwn 647pts)
- uploadcenter (pwn 523pts)
- MathGame (misc 343pts)
- MightyDragon (pwn 1000pts)
- babystack (pwn 132pts)
- hidden_message (misc 36pts)
- applepie (pwn 785pts)
- calvino (pwn 234pts)
- Elements (rev 107pts)
- fixed_point (rev 275pts)
- flropyd (misc 366pts)
- LFA (pwn 401pts)
- software_update (crypto 182pts)
- Cute V8 (rev 138pts)
- Dr. John Waston (pwn 273pts)
- Enrage Me (rev 322pts)
- Handicraft RSA (crypto 138pts)
- Jim Moriarty (pwn 367pts)
- Molly Hooper (pwn 343pts)
- Mycroft Holmes (pwn 131pts)
- Cat (pwn 68pts)
- Density (rev 148pts)
- My Blog (pwn 147pts)
- The true origin (rev/crypto 394pts)
- nonamestill (pwn 447pts)
- Demo Scene DB (pwn 479pts)
- dartmaster (pwn)
- hunting (pwn 350pts)
- meow (pwn 365pts)
- messenger (pwn 205pts)
- pngparser (pwn 435pts)
- 7amebox1 (pwn 843pts)
- super_ftp (pwn 600pts)
- zoo (pwn 980pts)
- archiver (pwn 47.6pts)
- It's-a me! (pwn 124pts)
- shellql (shellcode, web 118pts)
- TechSupport (pwn 177pts)
- election_coin (pwn, reverse 271pts)
- hotel-california (shellcoding 187pts)
- shitorrent (pwn 162pts)
- speedrun
- 11 (shellcoding)
- 12 (pwn)
- veryandroidoso (android, reverse 139pts)
- faststorage (pwn 400pts)
- production (pwn 343pts)
- asciishop (pwn 985pts)
- imageprot (rev 100pts)
- kpets (pwn 940pts)
- nomoreseacrypt (rev 985pts)
- otp_server (pwn 410pts)
- overfloat (pwn 100pts)
- raddest_db (pwn 998pts)
- rank (pwn 494pts)
- primary (pwn 474pts)
- APT42 (rev 288pts + pwn 420pts)
- better_zip (crypto 231pts)
- keygenme (rev 249pts)
- sandbox-compat (pwn 420pts)
- sftp (pwn 181pts)
These challenges are created by me so there're scripts for creating them.
- artifact (pwn 192pts)
- real-ruby-escaping (pwn 327pts)
- seccomp (rev 271pts)
- two (misc 274pts)
- footbook (web 384pts)
- sakura (rev 218pts)
- start (pwn 132pts)
- void (rev 252pts)
These challenges are created by me so there're scripts for creating them.
- EOP (rev 257pts)
- abyss (pwn 230 + 292 + 262pts)
- groot (pwn 305pts)
- HITCON (pwn 327pts)
- unexecutable (misc, pwn 360pts)
These challenges are created by me so there're scripts for creating them.
- PoE (pwn 284 + 500 + 500pts)
- Welcome (welcome 50pts)
- Revenge of Welcome (misc 105pts)
- Suicune (rev 305pts)
- heXDump (misc 202pts)
These challenges are created by me so there're scripts for creating them.
- Revenge of Pwn (misc, pwn 255pts)
- Tenet (misc, rev 222pts)
- spark (pwn 334pts)
- atoms (misc, pwn 296pts)
- SOP (rev 305pts)
- 11011001 (rev 255pts)
These challenges are created by me so there're scripts for creating them.
- cclemon (reverse 271pts)
- chaos-firmware ([crypto|pwn]+ 334pts)
- chaos-kernel ([crypto|pwn]+ 421pts)
- chaos-sandbox ([crypto|pwn]+ 450pts)
- dtb (misc, pwn 450pts)
- dtcaas (pwn 450pts)
- mercy (reverse 305pts)
- uml (pwn 265pts)
- Coin (pwn 960pts)
- simple writeup in the directory
- ESOR (crypto 100pts)
- bb8 (crypto 200pts)
- bigpicture (pwn 200pts)
- Plaid Party Planning (pwn 400pts)
- potassium (pwn 400 + 150 + 250pts)
- Re: Plaid Party Planning (misc 200pts)
- splaid-birch (pwn 300pts)
- splaid-cypress (crypto 600pts)
- suffarring (pwn 500pts)
- RCalc (pwn 350pts)
- RNote (pwn 454pts)
- RNote2 (pwn 606pts)
- crackme (rev 714pts)
- frawler (pwn 500pts)
- Across the Great Wall (pwn 378pts)
- anti-antivirus (pwn 290pts)
- faX senDeR (pwn 224pts)
- go-machine (rev 304pts)
- oldschool (rev 128pts)
- p4fmt (pwn 304pts)
- pudliszki (rev 128pts)
- Steganographer Revenge (rev 500pts)
- EscapeMe (pwn 240 + 300 + 300pts)
- REVersiNG (rev 447pts)
- MultiHeap (pwn 270pts)
- SecureKarte (pwn 255pts)
- simple_logic (crypto 95pts)
- Bun bo Nam Bo (pwn 500pts)
- Cao lau (pwn 400pts)