Hello there, how are you?
I am working on an executable terminal file to run my C++ scripts, so I thought, why not share it?
So, what you can do with this executable file? Or, as I prefer to call it, beaver?
Create the template of your projects, all you need to do is to call 'beaver create'
Run your C++ project with 'beaver run' or just build it if you want to with 'beaver compile' (»Requires the step 'beaver create')
And a lot of other stuff because this file is powered by premake :D
But, for that, we have to set beaver in your pc, so let's get started.
Sorry, but I didn't have adapted, yet, the beaver for Windows :(
We have to
First you need to do is to open your terminal and type:
mkdir ~/.beaver
This will create the folder that will keep the beaver.
After, download beaver and put it in this folder.
wget -O ~/.beaver/beaver https://github.com/davidalmarinho/beaver/releases/download/v1.0.0-release-l/beaver
To set beaver's path, we have to change a file, the .bashrc. Generally, it is stored in /home/user_session folder.
nano ~/.bashrc
After you have opened it, write at the end of the file:
export PATH=$PATH:~/.beaver
At last, we just need to give permission to beaver, just writing in the terminal:
chmod +x beaver
Now, just write beaver in the terminal and should show up something like:
Enter 'beaver action' where action is one of the following:
create Will create the resources needed to a new project into the current directory
delete Will delete all project files. Be careful
clean Will delete all compilable and executable files
compile Will generate make file then compile using the make file.
run Will generate make file then compile using the make file then run the project
clean Remove all binaries and intermediate binaries and project files.
codelite Generate CodeLite project files
gmake2 Generate GNU makefiles for Linux
vs2005 Generate Visual Studio 2005 project files
vs2008 Generate Visual Studio 2008 project files
vs2010 Generate Visual Studio 2010 project files
vs2012 Generate Visual Studio 2012 project files
vs2013 Generate Visual Studio 2013 project files
vs2015 Generate Visual Studio 2015 project files
vs2017 Generate Visual Studio 2017 project files
vs2019 Generate Visual Studio 2019 project files
xcode4 Generate Apple Xcode 4 project files
Create a folder to store your C++ project, move to that folder and create a project
mkdir ~/Documents/HelloWorld
cd ~/Documents/HelloWorld
beaver create
Then, just run the project :D
beaver run
For more information about beaver, type
beaver help
And that is it, I hope that beaver can help you to manage you C++ projects :D