Node.JS boilerplate for Cucumber feature tests driven by Selenium, with multiple browser capabilities.
This project contains the following:
- CloudFormation template for a "throw away" Selenium Hub
- CodePipeline CloudFormation template demonstrating how to integrate Selenium tests into your CI/CD process.
- providing Selenium bindings.
- Cucumber JS for composing feature tests.
- Standard Step Defs. from Cucumber Boilerplate.
- Capability discovery & injection, using selenium-grid-status.
- Reports in Allure.
The Hub can be deployed independently of any CI/CD Pipeline for development & testing purposes. Once deployed, tests can be executed against all supported capabilities, or specific browsers, using the below commands.
To get started, ensure that the AWS CLI is installed and configured correctly. You will also need to create an EC2 Keypair either in the AWS Console, or by running ec2 create-key-pair --key-name <NAME>
To deploy the Selenium Hub:
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file selenium.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM --stack-name `whoami`-selenium-hub --parameter-overrides IncludeIE=true KeyName=<KEYPAIR NAME>
Once the hub has been deployed successfully, you can query the HTTP endpoint for the hub, using the following command:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name `whoami`-selenium-hub --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`DNSName`].OutputValue' --output text
Now that you have the URL for the Selenium Hub, you're able to run feature tests locally, targeting specific capabilities, a single browser, or all capabilities. The target URL of the tests must be internet-accessible and public internet facing, so that Hub nodes are able to access the website.
Set tests to execute against a single browser, by defining the $TARGET_BROWSER
environment variable.
npm run test:features --silent -- --host $SELENIUM_URL -b $TARGET_URL
Specific browsers can be tested by composing a capabilities.json
file, with the following structure:
"browserName": "firefox"
"browserName": "chrome"
"browserName": "internet explorer"
You can then include these specific capabilities by passing the file as a command line flag, with the following command:
npm run test:features --silent -- --host $SELENIUM_URL -b $TARGET_URL --capabilities capabilities.json
Allure Results are generated automatically when tests are executed. To generate the reports, you will need Java installed.
To create the report
npm run test:features:report:create
To view the report
npm run test:features:report:serve
In-order to execute tests against all supported browsers, we first need to discover capabilities, using the following command:
npm run test:features:capabilities --silent -- --host $SELENIUM_URL > capabilities.json
This command uses the selenium-grid-status
NPM library to discover Hub Node capabilities. Once this command has executed successfully, we can execute tests by running the command demonstrated in Specific Browsers.