** 1-2 paragraph description of your application **
This application centers around making sense of several national/ethnic timelines. The key feature is the visual representation of the data and interactive components allowing for a brief introduction to each time period. The overall goal is to help introduce and make sense of the major historical periods that have influenced Central Asia.
To accomplish that, I focused on several technical aspects. The interactive component of the app relies heavily on jQuery. I also wanted to populate the page's elements dynamically with AJAX and the Wikimedia API. In order to accommodate variation in the API responses, I included key variables in my database and corresponding logic to help normalize the content.
** A bulleted list of features your application includes **
- Multiple interactive timelines
- Expandable/collapsible descriptions
- Dynamic descriptions, reflecting changes on Wikipedia
- Links out to full article on Wikipedia
** What aspects of your application are being managed by JavaScript **
Collapse, expansion and population of time period descriptions
** Any additional information the graders may need to know about using your app (for example, if certain features can only be seen by an admin, provide test admin credentials) **
Database is structured to allow admins to easily accommodate changes in the format of API response content.