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store nonce in session, make auth url public
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David Muzi committed Jan 19, 2019
1 parent 16bc1af commit 19c3748
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Showing 3 changed files with 156 additions and 132 deletions.
29 changes: 19 additions & 10 deletions Sources/Imperial/Services/Shopify/Session+Shopify.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,26 @@
import Vapor

extension Session.Keys {
static let domain = "shop_domain"
static let domain = "shop_domain"
static let nonce = "nonce"

extension Session {

public func shopDomain() throws -> String {
guard let domain = self[Keys.domain] else { throw Abort(.notFound) }
return domain

func setShopDomain(_ domain: String) {
self[Keys.domain] = domain

func shopDomain() throws -> String {
guard let domain = self[Keys.domain] else { throw Abort(.notFound) }
return domain

func setShopDomain(_ domain: String) {
self[Keys.domain] = domain

func setNonce(_ nonce: String?) {
self[Keys.nonce] = nonce

func nonce() -> String? {
return self[Keys.nonce]
40 changes: 22 additions & 18 deletions Sources/Imperial/Services/Shopify/Shopify.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,22 +1,26 @@
import Vapor

public class Shopify: FederatedService {

public var tokens: FederatedServiceTokens {
return self.router.tokens

public var router: FederatedServiceRouter

public required init(router: Router,
authenticate: String,
callback: String,
scope: [String],
completion: @escaping (Request, String) throws -> (EventLoopFuture<ResponseEncodable>)) throws {

self.router = try ShopifyRouter(callback: callback, completion: completion)
self.router.scope = scope

try self.router.configureRoutes(withAuthURL: authenticate, on: router)

public var tokens: FederatedServiceTokens {
return self.router.tokens

public var router: FederatedServiceRouter {
return shopifyRouter

public var shopifyRouter: ShopifyRouter

public required init(router: Router,
authenticate: String,
callback: String,
scope: [String],
completion: @escaping (Request, String) throws -> (EventLoopFuture<ResponseEncodable>)) throws {

self.shopifyRouter = try ShopifyRouter(callback: callback, completion: completion)
self.shopifyRouter.scope = scope

try self.router.configureRoutes(withAuthURL: authenticate, on: router)
219 changes: 115 additions & 104 deletions Sources/Imperial/Services/Shopify/ShopifyRouter.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,108 +1,119 @@
import Vapor

public class ShopifyRouter: FederatedServiceRouter {

public let tokens: FederatedServiceTokens
public let callbackCompletion: (Request, String) throws -> (Future<ResponseEncodable>)
public var scope: [String] = []
public let callbackURL: String
public var accessTokenURL: String {
return _accessTokenURL
public var authURL: String {
return _authURL

public var _accessTokenURL: String!
public var _authURL: String!
private var nonce: String!

required public init(callback: String, completion: @escaping (Request, String) throws -> (Future<ResponseEncodable>)) throws {
self.tokens = try ShopifyAuth()
self.callbackURL = callback
self.callbackCompletion = completion

/// The route thats called to initiate the auth flow
/// ex.
/// - Parameter request: The request from the browser.
/// - Returns: A response that, by default, redirects the user to `authURL`.
/// - Throws: N/A
public func authenticate(_ request: Request) throws -> Future<Response> {

nonce = String(UUID().uuidString.prefix(6))

let redirect: Response = request.redirect(to: authURL)
return request.eventLoop.newSucceededFuture(result: redirect)

/// Gets an access token from an OAuth provider.
/// This method is the main body of the `callback` handler.
/// - Parameters: request: The request for the route this method is called in.
public func fetchToken(from request: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<String> {

// Extract the parameters to verify
guard let code = request.query[String.self, at: "code"],
let shop = request.query[String.self, at: "shop"],
let hmac = request.query[String.self, at: "hmac"],
let state = request.query[String.self, at: "state"] else { throw Abort(.badRequest) }

// Verify the request
guard state == nonce else { throw Abort(.badRequest) }
guard URL(string: shop)?.isValidShopifyDomain() == true else { throw Abort(.badRequest) }
guard request.http.url.generateHMAC(key: tokens.clientSecret) == hmac else { throw Abort(.badRequest) }


// obtain access token
let body = ShopifyCallbackBody(code: code, clientId: tokens.clientID, clientSecret: tokens.clientSecret)
return try body.encode(using: request).flatMap(to: Response.self) { request in
guard let url = URL(string: self.accessTokenURL) else {
throw Abort(.internalServerError, reason: "Unable to convert String '\(self.accessTokenURL)' to URL")
request.http.method = .POST
request.http.url = url
return try request.make(Client.self).send(request)
}.flatMap(to: String.self) { response in
return response.content.get(String.self, at: ["access_token"])

/// The route that the OAuth provider calls when the user has benn authenticated.
/// - Parameter request: The request from the OAuth provider.
/// - Returns: A response that should redirect the user back to the app.
/// - Throws: An errors that occur in the implementation code.
public func callback(_ request: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Response> {

return try self.fetchToken(from: request).flatMap(to: ResponseEncodable.self) { accessToken in

guard let domain = request.query[String.self, at: "shop"] else { throw Abort(.badRequest) }

let session = try request.session()

return try self.callbackCompletion(request, accessToken)
}.flatMap(to: Response.self) { response in
return try response.encode(for: request)

private func authURLFrom(_ request: Request) {
guard let shop = request.query[String.self, at: "shop"] else { return }

_authURL = "https://\(shop)/admin/oauth/authorize?" + "client_id=\(tokens.clientID)&" +
"scope=\(scope.joined(separator: ","))&" +
"redirect_uri=\(callbackURL)&" +

private func setAccessTokenURLFrom(_ request: Request) {
guard let shop = request.query[String.self, at: "shop"] else { return }
_accessTokenURL = "https://\(shop)/admin/oauth/access_token"

public let tokens: FederatedServiceTokens
public let callbackCompletion: (Request, String) throws -> (Future<ResponseEncodable>)
public var scope: [String] = []
public let callbackURL: String
public var accessTokenURL: String {
return _accessTokenURL
public var authURL: String {
return _authURL

private var _accessTokenURL: String!
private var _authURL: String!

required public init(callback: String, completion: @escaping (Request, String) throws -> (Future<ResponseEncodable>)) throws {
self.tokens = try ShopifyAuth()
self.callbackURL = callback
self.callbackCompletion = completion

/// The route thats called to initiate the auth flow
/// ex.
/// - Parameter request: The request from the browser.
/// - Returns: A response that, by default, redirects the user to `authURL`.
/// - Throws: N/A
public func authenticate(_ request: Request) throws -> Future<Response> {

_authURL = try generateAuthenticationURL(request: request).absoluteString
let redirect: Response = request.redirect(to: _authURL)
return request.eventLoop.newSucceededFuture(result: redirect)

/// Gets an access token from an OAuth provider.
/// This method is the main body of the `callback` handler.
/// - Parameters: request: The request for the route this method is called in.
public func fetchToken(from request: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<String> {

// Extract the parameters to verify
guard let code = request.query[String.self, at: "code"],
let shop = request.query[String.self, at: "shop"],
let hmac = request.query[String.self, at: "hmac"] else { throw Abort(.badRequest) }

// Verify the request
if let state = request.query[String.self, at: "state"] {
let nonce = try request.session().nonce()
guard state == nonce else { throw Abort(.badRequest) }
guard URL(string: shop)?.isValidShopifyDomain() == true else { throw Abort(.badRequest) }
guard request.http.url.generateHMAC(key: tokens.clientSecret) == hmac else { throw Abort(.badRequest) }

_accessTokenURL = try accessTokenURLFrom(request)

// exchange code for access token
let body = ShopifyCallbackBody(code: code, clientId: tokens.clientID, clientSecret: tokens.clientSecret)
return try body.encode(using: request).flatMap(to: Response.self) { request in
guard let url = URL(string: self.accessTokenURL) else {
throw Abort(.internalServerError, reason: "Unable to convert String '\(self.accessTokenURL)' to URL")
request.http.method = .POST
request.http.url = url
return try request.make(Client.self).send(request)
}.flatMap(to: String.self) { response in
return response.content.get(String.self, at: ["access_token"])

/// The route that the OAuth provider calls when the user has benn authenticated.
/// - Parameter request: The request from the OAuth provider.
/// - Returns: A response that should redirect the user back to the app.
/// - Throws: Any errors that occur in the implementation code.
public func callback(_ request: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Response> {

return try self.fetchToken(from: request).flatMap(to: ResponseEncodable.self) { accessToken in

guard let domain = request.query[String.self, at: "shop"] else { throw Abort(.badRequest) }

let session = try request.session()

return try self.callbackCompletion(request, accessToken)
}.flatMap(to: Response.self) { response in
return try response.encode(for: request)

/// Creates the authentication URL
/// - Parameter request: the request from the browser to initiate authorization
/// - Returns: fully formed URL that should be used to redirect back to Shopify
/// - Throws: Any errors that occur in the implementation code.
public func generateAuthenticationURL(request: Request) throws -> URL {
let nonce = String(UUID().uuidString.prefix(6))
try request.session().setNonce(nonce)
return try authURLFrom(request, nonce: nonce)

private func authURLFrom(_ request: Request, nonce: String) throws -> URL {
guard let shop = request.query[String.self, at: "shop"] else { throw Abort(.badRequest) }

return URL(string: "https://\(shop)/admin/oauth/authorize?" + "client_id=\(tokens.clientID)&" +
"scope=\(scope.joined(separator: ","))&" +
"redirect_uri=\(callbackURL)&" +

private func accessTokenURLFrom(_ request: Request) throws -> String {
guard let shop = request.query[String.self, at: "shop"] else { throw Abort(.badRequest) }
return "https://\(shop)/admin/oauth/access_token"

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