Build a simple website to talk about you
Build an app in order to explain who you are, what you have done and what you are doing
Your app should have at least 3 main entries:
- List of your work
- Contact
- Who are you
You can also add link to your favorite social network: Insta, Github, LinkedIn, etc....
- Click on a work within a list should send you to a more detailed page about selected work
- Contact should offer a map component and a form
- You can display somewhere a list of recent tweet/insta etc... of your choice
- Do not forget icons and other design elements
- You have to follow basics of Atomic Desing principle
- You have to provide a Storybook of all your Atoms/Molecules/Organisms/Templates/Pages
- All part of your design system should be tested accordingly (BDD or TDD)
At least, you have to provide an API (no need for authentication) to retrieve:
- List of work
- Detail of a work
- Text about who you are
- Contact information
- Any relevant information you can think about
- CRUD on all API endpoint
- GraphQL, why not :)
- Insomnia or Postman implementation of API
- Storybook deployed on Github page
- List of your github repositories somewhere
- List of your design work hosted somewhere (equivalent of Github for developpers)
- List of your epics and story within repo
- A functionnal app
- At least 80% of code coverage
- No warning within console when running app
- A functionnal storybook
- A konami code within app to show who is part of your group