WARNING: Please note, this package was experimental and is no longer being developed. If you decide to use it, please be aware that no support is given. I recommend using the rOpenSci rerddap instead.
is an R interface to three NOAA marine data sources. The package is concerned with downloading the data and providing two methods to extract methods given a data.frame
of geographical coordinates.
Functions to manipulate and extract environmental data need netCDF support. You'll need both the ncdf4
and raster
packages. Installation of ncdf4
should be straightforward on Mac and Windows, but on Linux you may have issues.
You can use the function noaaErddap::dataTypeLimits
to visualise this dataset within R.
Dataset | Description | Lat Range | Lon Range | Start Date | End Date |
NPP | 8 Day Composite | -90 to 90 | 0 to 360 | 1997-09-10 | 2010-12-07 |
Chlorophyll-a | 8 Day Composite | -90 to 90 | -180 to 180 | 1997-09-02 | 2010-12-15 |
SST | 1 Day Composite | -90 to 90 | 0 to 360 | 1981-09-01 | Present |
The noaaErddap
package can be installed from github using the devtools
package using devtools::install_github
If you do not yet have devtools
, install with install.packages("devtools")
Then install noaaErddap
using the following:
# check help page for main function
# downloads chlorophyll data for Jan/2006
linkToCachedFile <- noaaErddap::erddapDownload(year = 2006, month = 1, type = 'chlorophyll', overwrite = TRUE)
ncdf4::nc_open(filename = linkToCachedFile)
# downloads productivity data for all months in 1998 (might take a few hours)
dat <- data.frame(year = 1998, month = 1:12)
nppFiles <- plyr::ddply(dat, .(year, month), function (x, type) {
data.frame(links = noaaErddap::erddapDownload(x$year, x$month, type, overwrite = TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
}, type = 'productivity')
# get longitude and latitude for NPP files
envNc <- ncdf4::nc_open(filename = nppFiles$links[1])
longitude <- envNc$var[['productivity']]$dim[[1]]$vals
latitude <- envNc$var[['productivity']]$dim[[2]]$vals
# You can always recover cached files in a new session, e.g.
nppFiles <- noaaErddap::noaaErddapFiles('productivity', full.name = TRUE)
# extract NPP values for a given subset of coordinates (median value within a buffer of 20 km) across all files and take the mean
nppValues <- abind::abind(lapply(nppFiles, noaaErddap::openAndMatchNcdfData, method = 'raster', coordinates = data.frame(Longitude = c(330, 335, 340), Latitude = c(-27, -19, 0)), buffer = 2e4, fun = median, na.rm = TRUE), along = 3)
apply(nppValues, c(1, 2), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
# extract the average NPP values for the globe in 1998 (these steps are memory intensive)
nppValues1998 <- abind::abind(lapply(nppFiles[grep('-1998.nc', nppFiles, fixed = TRUE)], noaaErddap::openAndMatchNcdfData, method = 'ncdf4'), along = 3)
meanNPP1998 <- apply(nppValues1998, c(1, 2), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
I'd like to thank the rOpenSci project for providing source code via the rnoaa
package from which I based this package.
Please report any issues or bugs.