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In an nutshell, this project aims for three things:

  1. Acquiring data from the transfermarkt website using the trasfermarkt-scraper.
  2. Building a clean, public football (soccer) dataset using data in 1.
  3. Automating 1 and 2 to keep assets up to date and publicly available on some well-known data catalogs.

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direction LR
competitions --|> games : competition_id
competitions --|> clubs : domestic_competition_id
clubs --|> players : current_club_id
clubs --|> club_games : opponent/club_id
clubs --|> game_events : club_id
players --|> appearances : player_id
players --|> game_events : player_id
players --|> player_valuations : player_id
games --|> appearances : game_id
games --|> game_events : game_id
games --|> clubs : home/away_club_id
games --|> club_games : game_id
class competitions {
class games {
class game_events {
class clubs {
class club_games {
class players {
class player_valuations{
class appearances {

📥 setup

🔈 New! → Thanks to Github codespaces you can now spin up a working dev environment in your browser with just a click, no local setup required.

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Setup your local environment to run the project with poetry.

  1. Install poetry
  2. Install python dependencies (poetry will create a virtual environment for you)
cd transfermarkt-datasets
poetry install

Remember to activate the virtual environment once poetry has finished installing the dependencies by running poetry shell.


The Makefile in the root defines a set of useful targets that will help you run the different parts of the project. Some examples are

dvc_pull                       pull data from the cloud
docker_build                   build the project docker image and tag accordingly
acquire_local                  run the acquiring process locally (refreshes data/raw/<acquirer>)
prepare_local                  run the prep process locally (refreshes data/prep)
sync                           run the sync process (refreshes data frontends)
streamlit_local                run streamlit app locally

Run make help to see the full list. Once you've completed the setup, you should be able to run most of these from your machine.

💾 data storage

All project data assets are kept inside the data folder. This is a DVC repository, so all files can be pulled from remote storage by running dvc pull.

path description
data/raw contains raw data for different acquirers (check the data acquisition section below)
data/prep contains prepared datasets as produced by dbt (check data preparation)

🕸️ data acquisition

In the scope of this project, "acquiring" is the process of collecting data from a specific source and via an acquiring script. Acquired data lives in the data/raw folder.


An acquirer is just a script that collect data from somewhere and puts it in data/raw. They are defined in the scripts/acquiring folder and run using the acquire_local make target. For example, to run the transfermarkt-api acquirer with a set of parameters, you can run

make acquire_local ACQUIRER=transfermarkt-api ARGS="--season 2024"

which will populate data/raw/transfermarkt-api with the data it collected. Obviously, you can also run the script directly if you prefer.

cd scripts/acquiring && python --season 2024

🔨 data preparation

In the scope of this project, "preparing" is the process of transforming raw data to create a high quality dataset that can be conveniently consumed by analysts of all kinds.

Data prepartion is done in SQL using dbt and DuckDB. You can trigger a run of the preparation task using the prepare_local make target or work with the dbt CLI directly if you prefer.

  • cd dbt → The dbt folder contains the dbt project for data preparation
  • dbt deps → Install dbt packages. This is only required the first time you run dbt.
  • dbt run -m +appearances → Refresh the assets by running the corresponding model in dbt.

dbt runs will populate a dbt/duck.db file in your local, which you can "connect to" using the DuckDB CLI and query the data using SQL.

duckdb dbt/duck.db -c 'select * from'


⚠️ Make sure that you are using a DukcDB version that matches that that is used in the project.

python api

A thin python wrapper is provided as a convenience utility to help with loading and inspecting the dataset (for example, from a notebook).

# import the module
from transfermarkt_datasets.core.dataset import Dataset

# instantiate the datasets handler
td = Dataset()

# load all assets into memory as pandas dataframes

# inspect assets
td.asset_names # ["games", "players", ...]
td.assets["games"].prep_df # get the built asset in a dataframe

# get raw data in a dataframe

The module code lives in the transfermark_datasets folder with the structure below.

path description
transfermark_datasets/core core classes and utils that are used to work with the dataset
transfermark_datasets/tests unit tests for core classes
transfermark_datasets/assets perpared asset definitions: one python file per asset

For more examples on using transfermark_datasets, checkout the sample notebooks.

👁️ frontends

Prepared data is published to a couple of popular dataset websites. This is done running make sync, which runs weekly as part of the data pipeline.

🎈 streamlit

There is a streamlit app for the project with documentation, a data catalog and sample analyisis. The app is currently hosted in, you can check it out here deployment is currently disabled until this is resolved.

For local development, you can also run the app in your machine. Provided you've done the setup, run the following to spin up a local instance of the app

make streamlit_local

⚠️ Note that the app expects prepared data to exist in data/prep. Check out data storage for instructions about how to populate that folder.

🏗️ infra

Define all the necessary infrastructure for the project in the cloud with Terraform.

🎼 orchestration

The data pipeline is orchestrated as a series of Github Actions workflows. They are defined in the .github/workflows folder and are triggered by different events.

workflow name triggers on description
build* Every push to the master branch or to an open pull request It runs the data preparation step, and tests and commits a new version of the prepared data if there are any changes
acquire-<acquirer>.yml Schedule It runs the acquirer and commits the acquired data to the corresponding raw location
sync-<frontend>.yml Every change on prepared data It syncs the prepared data to the corresponding frontend

*build-contribution is the same as build but without commiting any data.

💡 Debugging workflows remotelly is a pain. I recommend using act to run them locally to the extent that is possible.

💬 community

📞 getting in touch

In order to keep things tidy, there are two simple guidelines

  • Keep the conversation centralised and public by getting in touch via the Discussions tab.
  • Avoid topic duplication by having a quick look at the FAQs

🫶 sponsoring

Maintenance of this project is made possible by sponsors. If you'd like to sponsor this project you can use the Sponsor button at the top.

→ I would like to express my grattitude to @mortgad for becoming the first sponsor of this project.

👨‍💻 contributing

Contributions to transfermarkt-datasets are most welcome. If you want to contribute new fields or assets to this dataset, the instructions are quite simple:

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Set up your local environment
  3. Populate data/raw directory
  4. Start modifying assets or creating new ones in the dbt project
  5. If it's all looking good, create a pull request with your changes 🚀

ℹ️ In case you face any issue following the instructions above please get in touch