yfs is a simple browser-compatible transactional virtual filesystem with delta-diff capabilities (similar to git).
It supports files, directories, and symlinks.
This example creates a directory named foo
containing a file named b.ar
It then reads the contents of the file using the absolute path /foo/b.ar
const yfs = require('yfs');
async function demo() {
// initialize yfs
const ctx = yfs.load();
// create directory foo
await ctx.createDirectory('/', 'foo');
// create file b.ar
await ctx.createFile('/foo', 'b', 'ar', 'Hello, world!');
// read the file
const f = await ctx.readFile('/foo/b.ar');
demo().finally(() => {});
This example demonstrates the use of transactions to manage filesystem assets.
const yfs = require('yfs');
async function demo() {
// initialize yfs
const ctx = yfs.load();
// create directory foo
await ctx.createDirectory('/', 'foo');
// create file b.ar
await ctx.createFile('/foo', 'b', 'ar', 'Hello, world!');
const tx = await ctx.createTransaction();
await tx.updateFileContent('/foo/b.ar', 'Farewell!');
// read the file
const f1 = await ctx.readFile('/foo/b.ar');
console.log(f1.payload.content); // still 'Hello, world!' because the update hasn't been committed
// commit transaction
await tx.commit();
// read the file again
const f2 = await ctx.readFile('/foo/b.ar');
console.log(f2.payload.content); // 'Farewell!'
demo().finally(() => {});
createDirectory(containerPath: string, name: string, isLoaded?: boolean): Promise<YfsStatus>;
createSymlink(containerPathInput: string, name: string, targetPathInput: string): Promise<YfsStatus>;
createFile(containerPathInput: string, title: string, extension: string, content?: string): Promise<YfsStatus>;
getAsset(pathInput: string): Promise<YfsOutput<YfsAsset>>;
moveAsset(oldPathInput: string, newContainerPathInput: string): Promise<YfsStatus>;
renameAsset(pathInput: string, newName: string): Promise<YfsStatus>;
deleteAsset(pathInput: string): Promise<YfsStatus>;
purgeAsset(deletedPath: string): Promise<YfsStatus>;
restoreDeletedAsset(pathAtDeletion: string): Promise<YfsStatus>;
getAssetFromHistory(path: string, versionTimestamp: number, versionMatch?: 'exact' | 'less-than' | 'greater-than' | 'less-than-or-eq' | 'greater-than-or-eq'): Promise<YfsOutput<YfsAsset>>;
updateFileContent(pathInput: string, updatedContent: string): Promise<YfsStatus>;
readDirectory(pathInput: string, recursive?: boolean): Promise<YfsOutput<YfsAsset[]>>;
readFile(pathInput: string): Promise<YfsOutput<YfsFile>>;
findFiles(title: string, extension: string, containerPathInput?: string): Promise<YfsOutput<Array<YfsFile>>>;
openDirectory(pathInput: string): Promise<YfsOutput<IYfs>>;
loadRemoteDirectory(pathInput: string, force?: boolean): Promise<YfsStatus>;
assetExists(pathInput: string): Promise<YfsOutput<boolean>>;
getDeltas(): Promise<Array<YfsDelta>>;
getAssetHistory(pathQuery: string, includeDeletes?: boolean): Promise<Array<YfsDelta>>;
discardDeltas(containerPathStartsWith: string, afterTimestamp: number): Promise<number>;
watchAsset(pathInput: string, subscriber: (delta: YfsDelta) => void): { unsubscribe(): void; };
serializeAssets(): Promise<string>;
asInputDataset(): Promise<{ readonly absolutePath: string; readonly assets: Array<YfsAssetInput>; }>;
importAssets(...assets: Array<YfsAssetInput>): Promise<YfsStatus>;
createTransaction(): Promise<YfsTransaction>;
commit(): Promise<void>;
cancel(): void;
isDisposed(): boolean;
- [todo] many things...
- [wish] Support for the File System Access API in browsers