This service is part of the project described here.
DailyMotivationalWeather: generate a motivational sentence based on the current weather and the sports related to the weather according to its algorithm.
DailyMotivationalCalories: calculate on a random sport and for a random number of hours how many calories the person actually will burn and generate a motivational sentence based on it according to its algorithm.
motivationBasedonBmiStatus: generate a motivational sentence according to its algorithm based on the bmi status changing of the person during a period of time.
motivationBasedOnBmiValueDifference: generate a motivational sentence according to its algorithm based on the bmi value changing of the person during a period of time.
motivationBasedOnWeightDifference: generate a motivational sentence according to its algorithm based on the weight changing of the person during a period of time taking into account his/her weight goal.
motivationBasedOnGoalSteps: generate a motivational sentence according to its algorithm based on the person daily steps goal and how far the person is in order to achieve it.
motivationBasedOnFavouriteActivities: generate a motivational sentence according to its algorithm based on the favorite activities of the person.
motivationBasedOnForecast: generate a motivational sentence or advice according to the forecast of the week.
verifyAndIncrementDailyGoalActivity: check if the person achieved is daily goals and just in case, increment the number of goals achieved stored in the local DB.