Experimental simulated honeypot with USB-CDC and regular USB3 DOKs
- Docker
- Ubuntu 18.04 (or later)
This repository contains
- Source code of the microkernel we use, copied tepmorarily from this gitlab repo
- Some libusb examples (internally used to analyze the structure of usb and other block devices, depicted by libusb)
- Docker image that installs ubuntu (bionic)
The basic build process is running the
script. The script builds a docker image which in place installs all the prerequisites for building the kernel (on top of Ubuntu bionic) - Run build.sh in order to build the kernel
- First, build the microkernel from here
- Now, build an image to load to the sd card here (run it as root)
- In the end, you will have an "rpi3.img" file in "LinuxKernel/out/rpi3-image"
- Next, run the following command (remember to put the path to rpi3.img and replace /dev/sdX with the SD card device you will load to:
dd if=<path-to-rpi3.mg> of=/dev/sdX bs=64k oflag=dsync status=progress
- Boot the Raspberry Pi with the SD card. It will update-initramfs and then reboot with the new kernel
- Run
uname -r
and you should see your custom kernel name