sing-REALITY-box is the first one-click installer script to install REALITY on sing-box core !
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- USDT (TRC20):
- Easy installation and configuration
- Ability to choose the desired port and SNI
- Real easy to use for the end-users
- Linux operating system
- Bash shell
- Internet connection
To use sing-REALITY-box, simply execute the following command on your Linux machine: Also updating the repo's is highly recommended (apt update && apt upgrade)
- This script uses JQ which will be automaticaly installed
- This script uses 443 as the default port number . change it if you want when the script asks you to.
- this script uses "" as the SNI . change it to your desired SNI when the script asks you to.
bash <(curl -fsSL
Huge props goes out to iSegaro for all he does . this script is the automation of his tutorial . keep up the work \m/ . find him on Twitter at @iSegaro
You can find me on twitter at @NamelesGhoul for requests and questions