This is a service manager that provides a web interface to create, remove, start, stop, and restart child processes within itself. The service manager can also keep-alive/restart a process that crashes or stops (run forever).
This is the first beta release, it works and is stable but is missing some features.
npm install -g deda-service-manager
To run the service call
Then, using your favorite browser log onto it using http://localhost:6010.
The Module interface looks like this
Add mouse over descriptions of the buttons and other helpful stuff.
Create a loop to refresh the list along with the logs list.
MID - Add OS service support to run as a service/daemon
LOW - View log history for each process individually.
LOW - Add stdout and stderr options to GUI dialog box.
LOW - Support internationalization
LOW - Add check of latest version feature:
LOW - Support login feature if not binding to
LOW - Support priority start and delay start for each process.
DONE - View log history for the Service Manager.
DONE - Add a version number on the page.
DONE - Change default port for gui.
DONE - Add about dialog box.
DONE - Store logs as JSON instead of text.
DONE - Error and message handling and reporting.
DONE - Full form validation on client and server side.
DONE - Move the add and refresh to a tool bar in the nav bar.