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Hapi Mongoose Boilerplate

This Boilerplate ready to use pack with very exciting feature of Hapi and Mongoose.We have added some common plugin which can be used as per required.This boilerplate gives you kick start to your Node Application Server. Boilerpalte support ECAM Script 6 syntax, we use Traceur library as a plugin. We are Hapi to release this exciting version to build your Node app on HapiMongooseBoilerplate v0.0.1 release inspired by Kushal likhi boilerplate.

Boilerplate Structure

  • config
    • Bootstrap.js
    • Config.json
    • plugin.json
  • custom_modules
  • custom-imagemim-log
  • custom_redis
  • es6Support
  • global-utility
  • mongooseAuto
  • mongooseDomain
  • SampleModel.js
  • User.js
  • add more models yourself ...
  • route
  • api
    • test1.js
    • add more file yourself ...
  • example
    • auth.js
    • dbOperation.js
    • ecma6api.js
    • redisOperation.js
    • restapi.js
    • add more file yourself ... - sample
    • restapi.js
    • add more files yourself...
  • add more route folder yourself...


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Setting up your configration

Bootstrap.js is a task runner file which executes automaticly on application start according to approprate envirnment.Lets see quick example How to create task named Test and run on development envirnment

module.exports = function (environment, callback) {

    //Add your task name here
    var env = {
        "development": [Test]
    //Create your task like function
    function Test(callback) {'Test Task Runner');
        callback(null, 'Test Task Runner')

Config.json contains all the application level configration variables. We can you config.json file variable by _config global variable. Here we have example of development config.

"development": {
    "server": {
      "host": "localhost",
      "port": "7002",
      "allowCrossDomain": true
    "database": {
      "url": "mongodb://localhost:27017/boilerplate",
      "poolSize": 5,
      "tryToConnect": true
    "cookie": {
      "password": "secret",
      "cookie": "hm-boilerplate",
      "redirectTo": "/login",
      "isSecure": false
    "redis": {
      "resource": "",
      "host": "enter-your-redis-host-name",
      "port": 17203,
      "password": "your-password"

plug.json you can plug or unplug your boilerplate extra feature like Hapi Swagger etc. Lets have look on plug.json config.

  "hapiPlugin": {
    "Swagger": true, //Yes, I want Hapi Swagger 
    "hapiAuthCookie": true //Yes, I want AuthCookie
  "ecma6Plugin": {
    "enabled": true, //Yes, I want to enable ECMAScript6
    "debug": false //But I dont want to see debug result

Create Mongoose Domain and Modal

mongooseDomain is a home for all mongoose domain, we just have to create file like User.js write your mongoose schema into file thats all. You can access your mongoose modal form any where in boilerplate (routes, bootstarp files) by Modal object.Lets see example

Define User Domain in /mongooseDomain/User.js
"use strict";

//Define User Schema
module.exports = {
    username: String,
    password: String
Use User Modal any where from routs / bootstrap
//Save New User
new Modal.User({
      username: "admin",
      password: "admin"
    }).save(function (err, result) {
               if (err) {
                  log.error("Error Save Record: " + err);
               } else {
        'User Save Successfully');

//Get User
Modal.User.find({username: 'admin'}, function (err, data) {
            if (err) {
            } else {

How to define Routs

route is a folder where we can define routs. Create folder in side route folder or you can directly create file with any name we want. File should follow this type of syntax. Here you can write handlers in Javascript ECMAScript-6 syntax like below.

"use strict";

var Joi = require('joi');

//Routs Lists
module.exports = [
        path: '/sample/test/special',
        method: 'GET',
        config: {
            description: 'Get Test-1',
            notes: 'Yes, I am doing testing',
            tags: ['api'],
            handler: (request, reply)=> {
                reply({status: 'my ecma6 special reply'});
        path: '/sample/test/test2',
        method: ['GET', 'POST'],
        config: {
            description: 'Get Test-2',
            notes: 'Yes, I am doing testing',
            tags: ['api'],
            handler: function (request, reply) {
                reply({status: 'I am Test-2 API'});
        //Here you can add more routs (Hapi Syntax)

How to use ECMAScript 6 feature

We introduce a new way to require special ECMAScript 6 files. Use requireEcma6 insted of require to include file. We compile ecmaScript6 files to ecmaScript5 using Traceur module, the result of compiled file store in custome_modules/es6Support/temp folder. It mean when you require ecmaScript6 files you have to pass replative path of your es6 file according to temp directory. By default we can use ecmaScript6 syntax on route directory and bootstrap.js file.

Lets Build Together

Just open an issue in case found any bug.We are always open for suggessions / issue / add new feature request.








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