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feat: handle namespaces internally without a shim package #281

feat: handle namespaces internally without a shim package

feat: handle namespaces internally without a shim package #281

Workflow file for this run

# Copyright 2024 Defense Unicorns
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Defense-Unicorns-Commercial
name: Lint
# This workflow is triggered on pull requests to the main branch.
# milestoned is added here as a workaround for release-please not triggering PR workflows (PRs should be added to a milestone to trigger the workflow).
types: [milestoned, opened, reopened, synchronize]
# Permissions for the GITHUB_TOKEN used by the workflow.
contents: read # Allows reading the content of the repository.
uses: defenseunicorns/uds-common/.github/workflows/callable-lint.yaml@d59b1c601730bfa7ab76439643242358e529603e # v1.2.2
secrets: inherit