Facebook Bot using PHP Programming Language. To set up a quick Facebook bot messenger The following step must be noted. Read documentation on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/guides/quick-start Following the following step allows you to convert the JavaScript aspect and json structure arrays into PHP.
Create a blue prints of your bot. Custom Bot Template engine.
--> Products and Purpose --> Type of Services/Product base on QA. --> Documentation of Bots details. --> Flexibility and User Friendly. --> Compactibility --> Guide user expectations.
--> Structure and Layout
--> products samples
--> images
--> data contents
--> functionality
--> Custom Testing
--> How to use ngrok to expose your local development server and setup a webhook.
--> How to custom test your bot while on development server.
--> Using Git and Heroku for Tracking Development Stage.
--> Adding Documentations and Committing Changes
--> Test Bot Functionality with Heroku.
--> Test Functionality
--> Initilizing App ID. (Facebook App ID)
--> programming Bot functionality
--> Deploy to Hosted Server
--> Creating a webhook URL
--> Initilize token with server
--> Select Bot Functionality and Services
--> Test.
get started
--------------- Lizards Template -------------
---> project_name
---> assets
--> css
--> img
--> js
---> __app.php
---> __core.php
---> __engine.php
---> __index.php
---------------- end ------------