The Delta Blockchain built with Substrate
To build the chain, execute the following commands from the project root:
$ cargo build --release
To execute the chain, run:
$ ./target/release/delta-chain-node --dev
The node also supports to use manual seal (to produce block manually through RPC).
This is also used by the ts-tests:
$ ./target/release/delta-chain-node --dev --manual-seal
Building (takes 5-10 min):
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Sudo => nodeAuthorization => add_well_known_node
RPC => author => rotateKeys
(On the node that is about to become a validator)Extrinsics => session => setKeys
(From account that is about to become a validator)Sudo => validatorSet => addValidator
Extrinsics => evm => call
source: 0xcee2b721fc2fcbb3c136effec5d555c9f9c97db1
target: 0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
input: 0x
value: 1000000000000000000000 // 1000 Ether
gas_limit: 4294967295
gas_price: 1
nonce: <empty>