Quickly build a clean virtual environment ready for Django development.
Install the following applications in your host operating system:
The following Vagrant plugin is recommended to keep the VirtualBox guest additions automatically updated:
This is how you install vagrant-vbguest:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
Retrieve the source code:
git clone https://github.com/aminehaddad/django-environment-in-vagrant.git my-project
cd my-project
Where my-project
is the name of your new website or project.
The following command will start the environment:
vagrant up
The installation script will run within the virtual machine if it is the first time it is started (in order to install the required packages).
SSH into the virtual machine:
vagrant ssh
The source code is shared with the virtual machine in this directory:
cd site
Always run the following command to use the proper python virtual environment:
workon site
Install the required python packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a new Django project. Pay attention to the .
at the end of that command if you did cd site
django-admin.py startproject my_site .
Setup the database models and run migrations:
./manage.py migrate
You can now start the development web server:
./manage.py runserver
Access this URL:
To turn off the virtual machine, run the following from your host terminal:
vagrant halt -f
To turn on the virtual machine, run the following:
vagrant up
This section is reserved for common troubleshooting problems or hints.
Answer: You can fix that in the virtual environment by deleting the .git
directory and re-initializing it. Example:
vagrant ssh
cd site
rm -rf .git